To all Ballarat Junior Chess Club Members, Parents, and Chess Players
We are thrilled to see so many enthusiastic juniors participating in the Ballarat Chess Club programs. As part of our commitment to providing a welcoming and respectful environment, we are outlining the disciplinary expectations for both the Junior Chess Club and Senior Chess Club sessions. These guidelines aim to ensure the safety of all participants, respect for the venue, and a positive experience for everyone involved.
Please read the guidelines carefully here....
Blitz 1
The first blitz tournament for the year had a healthy entry of 24 players, with Declan, fresh from the Oceania Zonals, taking no prisoners for 7 of 7 points. See the Blitz page for results.
Oceania Zonal update
Declan and Om (as well as Jeremy, Om's dad), did very well in the Zonal. Both players benefited from the experience of pitting themselves against high level opponents.Declan beat 13th seed IM Russell Dive (Elo 2267) in 32 moves in Round 5 of the tournament. After a speculative sacrifice of a rook for a bishop, a pawn and and more open attacking position, Black found himself facing Declan's 'sacrifice' of a bishop for 2, then 3 pawns, really opening up Black's king side to a blistering attack culminating in the coup de grace, Re7, which forces a swap of Black's queen and 2 bishops for 2 rooks -Black resigned seeing no future. Om beat higher rated Hannah Sayce (1852) in Round 2, in a nice game where she took advantage of White's reckless advances, consolidating and swapping off to win.
Oceania Zonals
Both Om and Declan are playing in the 2025 Oceania Zonals this year, with Om now titled as a WCM. Round 3 starts shortly and Om's game will be broadcast on both Lichess and, just click the link to follow the games. Declan is playing on Board 10 in the Open section and as only top 8 boards will be broadcast, we'll have to wait for the results! Women's tournament results here...
Rapid Play 1
Three players shared the podium after 6 rounds of rapid play to start off the 2025 chess year: Nicanor Millan, Bas van Riel and Jamie Brotheridge. Crosstable here...
Here Bas and visitor Nicanor discuss their game after Round 6
Chess Coaching Term 1, 2025
To all Ballarat Junior Chess Club members, parents and chess players
Welcome back! We hope you all had a joyful and relaxing holiday season and are ready for another fantastic year of chess. As we step into 2025, we wish everyone a happy, healthy, and safe New Year. We are excited to announce that the Ballarat Junior Chess Club coaching sessions will resume in Term 1, with details outlined below.
Term 1 Coaching Details
Start Date: Thursday, 6th February to End Date: Thursday, 3rd April
Time: 5:30 pm to 6:45/7:00 pm
Location: Humffray Room, Level 4, Ballarat Mechanics Institute, 117 Sturt Street, Ballarat.
Registration and Fees
Students from Term 4, 2024 can now register and pay for Term 1 via this TryBooking link. .
New students or those returning after a break must complete the attached 2025 application form first.

Aust Open review
Declan’s effort in the first 5 rounds was exemplary, scoring 3.5 points against three titled players, GM Darryl Johansen, WGM Julia Ryjanova, and former Victoria champion FM Chris Wallis. Although he faded somewhat in the last four rounds, he still managed to finish with an excellent total performance rating 120 points higher than his official rating. Out of 9 games he played 4 titled players, the 3 aforementioned and WIM Heather Richards, giving him a great experience playing at a higher levels. Rey Mukerjee, who played in the Minor Division finished strongly, scoring 1.5 points from his last two rounds.Well done to both of them!
Aust Open update
Another good day for Declan... a WGM scalp! Well done! Take a look here...
Aust Open update
Declan managed an epic draw (111 moves) against FM Christopher Wallis (rated 2229) Take a look here...
Australian Open Chess Tournament 2025
Yesterday, the 2015 Open Australian Chess Championship has started in Melbourne.
After winning his first round game, Declan Smith, the only club-member who has entered the open tournament, will play against GM Daryl Johansen with white on board 3 in the second round. Rey Mukherjee is playing in the Minor tournament.
The top 16 boards, including Declan’s, will be streamed life online this afternoon from 2pm, on , and on
Details and comments about the tournaments can be viewed on Chess Chat .
You can see all pairings and results here on VEGA
Good luck, Declan, and Rey!
Declan's picket fence
Declan Smith won the Triathlon held at the BMI today with a picket fence 6 out of 6! Anirudh Weerakkody and Julian Laffey finished equal first in the Reserves and Anirudh won the playoff. Only a small field of 14 but all enjoyed the day.
Shanaya meets Gukesh
Shanaya managed a photo with Gukesh just after his win against Ding - he looks tired but happy! Gukesh forced a resignation from his opponent Ding Liren in Game 11 of the World Chess Championship after the world champion blundered a piece while in desperate time trouble!
Meanwhile, Om played all her nine rounds against Singaporean local players on their home ground. She finished at the top of the Australian team with a well fought 5 points, while her father, Jeremy, garnered 3.5 points in the A Group.See more of the World Championship here at the official FIDE website.
Checkmate for the Environment
On Sunday, October 27th, the Ballarat Mechanics Institute was abuzz with strategic thinking as it hosted the "Checkmate for a Clean Environment" chess tournament. This seven-round event, designed to inspire both chess mastery and environmental consciousness, attracted young players under 12, under 10, and under 8, delivering a day of excitement, learning, and memorable moments.
Thanks to the generous support of the Department of Education Victoria, the tournament highlighted the importance of chess education and sustainability while fostering community engagement.
Special Presentation by Om O'Carroll
The event was elevated by an insightful presentation from Om O'Carroll, who drew connections between chess, critical thinking, and environmental stewardship. Her engaging talk inspired participants to think strategically not only on the chessboard but also in addressing environmental challenges. Her contribution was a cornerstone of the event’s broader educational mission. Read more here....
Chess Coaching 2025
Chess Coaching is available throughout the year. We welcome enrolments at any time from any junior chess player whether they have been part of the program previously or not.
Term Dates:
Updated soon
For info re coaching, junior tournaments, study resources etc.. visit the Ballarat Junior Chess Club pages.
New to Chess?
A great site for learning the basics from a cool video, improving your chess with puzzles, and playing against QWERTY the chess computer, check out
How to write down your games - Chess notation made easy here!
Coffee and Chess
There are some chess sets for use at the following cafes... just ask!
Racers on the lake, Frangos and Homeground, both on Sturt.
Chess is also played at Beechworth Bakery and Woowookarung lookout, but you'll need to take your own set.
Bas' Chess Columns
From April 1991 until March 1993, Bas wrote a fortnightly chess column for the Ballarat Courier. Read them here